Kernel Panic During Boot

Hardware related problems and workarounds

Kernel Panic During Boot

Postby bripage » Mon Oct 31, 2016 12:42 pm

I have been working with the parallella for several months now without an issue. In the last 2 days when I plug in the board and it begins to boot, I receive a kernel panic and the boot sequence apparently stops and never advances after that point.

Board: Parallella 16 Desktop
Zynq 7010
Power Supply: 2A @ 5V

I have tried recreating the ubuntu image on 3 separate SD cards, two 16GB and one 32GB, from 2 different manufacturers. I even went to far as to purchase a new one just to verify that this is not an sd card issue. Furthermore I have written the HDMI image to cards using two different computers, one running linux, the other running OSX.

The result is the same regardless of which SD card is used, or which computer wrote the image.

I have attached a picture of what I get when I attempt to boot. Im starting to think that perhaps this board is dead as the probability of 3 different sd cards all being bad is extremely low.

Is it possible to use the headless image on the Desktop version? If so, do I still have full epiphany functionality, and just loose the ability to use the HDMI port for viewing?

Thank you for your help!
2016-10-31 08.35.06.jpg
2016-10-31 08.35.06.jpg (807.12 KiB) Viewed 9882 times
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Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2016 12:05 pm

Re: Kernel Panic During Boot

Postby sebraa » Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:23 pm

The kernel can't find the root file system. If you tested multiple SD cards, then this means that your way of writing images is wrong, resulting in wrong SD card content. Describe how you write the images.

Headless images work on Parallellas with and without HDMI connectors.
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