I have invested a lot of time and resources to investigate the Epiphany architecture, and like many other people can see that it's potential goes way beyond mainstream approaches.
Eventually there is a need to progress from technical investigations to commercial projects, which entails business plans being drawn up and funding sourced.
The business plans need to go into detail about component sourcing. Whilst the Parallella board is both a development board and good enough for many projects, there is a requirement for some projects to develop custom boards. For such 'custom board' projects, without input from Adapteva on the sourcing side (re what is required to get things moving), it is not possible to get a custom board project off the ground.
I have heard suggestions that there are problems with sourcing more devices (of any kind) due to new masks being required, but I would prefer to know the specifics from Adapteva rather than 3rd parties. That way I know what to tell the venture partners who are asking questions I can't answer. It may be that whatever the problem is can be resolved. But it is not going to happen without dialogue.
To that end, I sent an introductory email to sales@adapteva.com ... 2 weeks ago.
So far, absolutely zero response ... no acknowledgement ... nothing
So what am I supposed to do at this point ?
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.