and yet again AI boils down to graph-theoretical transformations. you know, if your main processor is the bottle-neck with its calculations of how to spread the work among available ressources, while everybody else is waiting for the data, I'm not really sure you could call that parallellization. suppose you do have neuronal network with limited number of connections per neuron, this forms a graph, some data flows in parallell along the same lines, some goes through delay routes to arrive together with later data. the effect of the latter is much like markhoff chains. the former is a bit like permutating the data and pattern-recognition based on that. i.e. it's all just algebra in some way. so why actually trouble yourself with neuronal networks when we have much more versatile and much better understood tools available in computer-algebra? as I remember they tried once to emulate the brain of a fly to predict its flight-path. then they set out a real fly and it turns out the neuronal network failed to predict the fly's movements. religious people would see in that a proof that the fly has a soul, I see it as a proof that the model of neuronal networks is inaccurate. so, let's stick to what we know best, logic!
as for quantum computing, we all have seen but I doubt this will have much impact in my lifetime. quantum computers still require incredible cooling and even then they wont work reliably. more promising sounds the technology for charging and energy-transfer through quantum-effects, data-transfer with quantum effects could allow us travel to other planets in that remote-controlling becomes possible. also purpulsion using such technology sounds interesting. but reading extreme tech is a bit like day-dreaming, they present no actual scientific data. fact is, computers nowadays do make use of quantum-effects already, it's ordinary technology advancement. what is needed for quantum-computers are 3d printers which build something atom by atom, all at the lowest possible temperatures so no atom escapes before it's finished. and even when we have that, logic tells us quantum computers will have turing-degree smaller than the next turing degree after the one of our computers. i.e. the halting problem still is unsolved by them! so you still are stuck in the problematic situation that you cannot always tell if some program will terminate execution or not...