Parallella enthusiast

Any technical questions about the Epiphany chip and Parallella HW Platform.

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Parallella enthusiast

Postby claudio4parallella » Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:59 pm

greetings to everybody from Italy.
I'm sorry, I discovered just last month Parallella and the Mission of Adapteva, really sorry that the Dream has not reached the final landing board: the 64 and then the 1024 cores board.
Just to say, I ought to be satisfied with the 16 cores, just received last week from Digikey.
And I'm really enthusiast of such a little low-power board in order to run my calculations in parallel.
I'm working on robotics, home automation, IoT generally speaking for Industry.
I'm going to build up a cluster of Parallellas with Porcupines and OctaCore boards for my experiments.
Thank you for this opportunity, the story telling of Adapteva is very interesting, too, an example of winner (under some point of view) David against Golia.
So enthusiast at present that I'd like to publish tutorials, code examples, coprthr, bsd, epython tutorials that for what I've tested during last few days are all working perfectly .
But I do not promise, what is sure I'll do some intersting application at the end.
Best regards
Posts: 70
Joined: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:48 pm

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