Debug: troubles building Hello Word C Project in e-eclipse

Hardware related problems and workarounds

Debug: troubles building Hello Word C Project in e-eclipse

Postby Simon_t » Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:08 pm

Hello everyone

I recently installed ESDK on Ubuntu 14.04 with the intention of running debug sessions over a SSH connection to the Parallella board.
I tried to follow the instructions given by the following two links.

viewtopic.php?t=935&p=6051 ... tup-guide/

I used the following build version of the esdk library:

I am running the eclipse editor which comes with the build in the link above.

I have opened the example project "Hello Word C Project" under the tap "Epiphany Executable (Multi Core)"

I have made the changes to the setup which are described in the tutorials linked above.

I managed to solve most of the issues described in the turorial, but I also managed to get two new. I have tried to find a solution by myself, but now I am forced to call out for help. The problems are as follows:

1. When I try to build the project I get teh following error:
e-objcopy: unrecognized option '--coreid'

Does anyone know why the example program tries to pass a seemingly unknown input? Could I have a wrong version somewhere?

2. Even though I added the executable "/opt/adapteva/esdk.", I get teh following error:
Exception occurred executing command line.
Cannot run program "echo-process": error=2, No such file or directory

I hope someone has experience with these problems, and know how to solve them,
Best Regards, Simon
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:12 pm

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