Board does nothing, no serial either.

Hardware related problems and workarounds

Board does nothing, no serial either.

Postby SaskiFX » Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:20 pm

I have a Kickstarter Edition of the board that a friend gave me to try and get working, as I'm a lot more tech savvy than he is. I expected to find he had just missed something simple, but I'm stuck as well.

I have the board, I have the latest non-headless image from the site copied to a 32GB Class 10 SD Card, and it looks like all the files needed are there to boot. I have a powered USB hub connecting a keyboard and mouse, and the monitor wired in via the HDMI port. Network cable is attached. I power the board on and nothing happens aside from the one green light coming on. I read other posts mentioning about waiting for the network to perhaps come up so I can see if the board is booting, and nothing happens, no lights on the RJ45 jack.

So I ordered a serial cable and got it today. Attaching the cable changed nothing. I watch in PuTTY connected to the USB/COM port and I get no response there at all. I have tried with both the SD card in, as well as out to see if I could at least get something to appear. No luck.

I'm using the image from -> ubuntu-14.04-hdmi-z7020-20140611.img.gz (June 11, 2014, 2.1GB)

During his own testing and troubleshooting, he hit the wall as well, but never ordered a serial cable. I believe he actually RMAed the board back and it was returned to him saying nothing was wrong and it worked fine.

What's my next step, or what else can I try to get some sort of response from this thing?
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Re: Board does nothing, no serial either.

Postby bwheatley » Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:41 am

Are you powering the board with it's own PS or using the USB? My understanding is you need a PS and cannot use USB power like you can with an Arduino. There is also a potential for problems with powered USB hubs see this post .. viewtopic.php?f=50&t=3123 . I'm new using the board too. I just happened to see the post on the USB hub and it reminded me of your problem. Maybe it will help.
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Re: Board does nothing, no serial either.

Postby SaskiFX » Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:42 pm

Nope, using a separate power supply, just using the powered hub to make sure there is enough juice to run both the mouse and keyboard.
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Re: Board does nothing, no serial either.

Postby SaskiFX » Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:09 pm

No other suggestions? Is there another channel I can look for some support?
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Re: Board does nothing, no serial either.

Postby bwheatley » Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:20 am

If you boot with out the USB attached does anything change?
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Re: Board does nothing, no serial either.

Postby SaskiFX » Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:55 pm

No change with/without USB, or Network, or HDMI. With and without the SD Card. I tried swapping the pins on the USB-Serial header, in case I had it backwards, no difference. I never get anything across the serial, and the board does nothing but get hot.

I *do* hear some noises from the board. I hear it two to three times. Best I can describe it is as what I would call coil-whine on a video card that is pushing very high framerates. Its brief (maybe 2 seconds), from a higher to lower pitch, and doesn't always happen.

Going to attempt to download the headless version and see if I can get the board to do something with that.
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Re: Board does nothing, no serial either.

Postby SaskiFX » Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:28 pm

Headless version doesn't do anything either. =/
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