Hi mining coders! Choose ME!

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Hi mining coders! Choose ME!

Postby cyberneticart » Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:38 am

Hi coders, as you know we need evolution software for mine the cryptocurrencies. We are watching to this fantastic board. We would like to make rig and powered clusters to mine the currencies. Parallella should be the most profitable computer because the size and the power consumption. Please consider to code your mining software and make a porting to this platform. And please if I missed something and there is a miner software, please tell me where and how I can install. I would like to buy a lot of Parallella boards but I want to be sure to mine with them. Thanks.
Morti cristi ... spenti lumi.
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Re: Hi mining coders! Choose ME!

Postby zmc » Tue Feb 27, 2018 4:05 pm

There is a cgminer port for the Epiphany, specifically optimized for scrypt/litecoin mining here:


Unfortunately you won't get better than a 1.5k hashrate out of it and it probably won't be profitable. (This is on my 16-core epiphany).
I'm running it now in the background for fun, but I've made $0.07 USD total. Ever. I'm sure I've spent way more in electricity.

For the money you would probably be better off getting an ASIC miner if you want to actually make money.

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Re: Hi mining coders! Choose ME!

Postby cyberneticart » Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:03 pm

Hi ZMC. Thanks for your reply. I am a miner. But not an usual miner. I am not searching to make money with the most ranked currencies like Bitcoin or Litecoin. I am mining the Cryptonight currencies. The project is to create a mining station powered by the solar energy. I live in a very far away island in the Mediterranee where the electricity power costs a lot. I made a lot of experiments. No kind of mining experience was profitable. If you make experience with miners all miners jobs give you the same money that they cost to stay on. If a currency's value is high, the profit is low. This appens at the same algorythm. For example: Monero costs $300, his mining experience gives less than Electroneum that costs $0.08. The algo is the same. How it is possible? OK. Come on to talk about PARALLELLA. I am mining with OrangePi PC2 and NanoPi Fire3 boards. The low cost of them and the low power consumption of them made the choose. But the market offers only CPU cores mining software. Every graphic core of these little machines is not used. So, the hashrate is very low. Despite all this they make 50 H/s in Cryptonight algorythm. I would like to connect these little machines at solar panels to mine in a desolate and remote land covered by the wi-fi connection. The profit would arises if I let coprocessors work. PARALLELLA could be the solution!!! But I need to know if it is possible to mine some little and unusefull currecies as Electroneum. Electroneum is the only one coin that pays over the power consumption. This coin is mined by the cryptonight algorythm. I have the software for ARMS but not for Risc Epiphany. Could you try to run the Cryptonight mining software? Many thanks to talk with me. Ciao!
Morti cristi ... spenti lumi.
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Re: Hi mining coders! Choose ME!

Postby zmc » Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:48 pm

If you have the software for ARM linux, I can run it for you on my Parallella and see what kind of hash rate I get. Unfortunately it's going to simply run on the Zynq core and not take advantage of the Epiphany cores. The algorithm would have to be reimplemented to use the coprocessor cores.

I don't know anything about the algorithm, but some things might help get a better rate on the parallella:

Is there is an existing OpenCL or GPU implementation? That might be a stepping stone to getting it to run.
if there is an FPGA implementation, that might fit on the programmable logic side of the Zynq, possibly even concurrently to the Epiphany.

Let me know what you have working already and we can try an experiment.
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Re: Hi mining coders! Choose ME!

Postby cyberneticart » Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:45 am

Hi, Zmc. The arm processor is very slow. For Example I have a Pentium with two real cores and two pipeline: four virtual cores. I have in Electroneum currency 65 Hashes per second. And I have a NanoPi Fire3 with real Octa Core processor running at 1.2Gh, and I have on it 25H/s. Don't waste your time (thanks for your help) on Arm processor. My interest is to have the OpenCl implementation in Epiphany processor. The miners know that the AMD processors have not a good Sidekit as Nvidia has. The miner uses OpenCl to send jobs to AMD GPUs. If OpenCl is exactly the driver to solve the jobs, we could spend time to try that. So if you want to help me (and your Parallella board) to understand this you are wellcome since I have not a Parallella board. I dont need a Parallella board and I don't plan to buy it. So we could make some tests with your board. If the miner starts and works on your one I will buy boards. Probably the board will not run at the same OpenCl AMD GPU, but the power consumption should be the fourth! Can you help me with OpenCl driver? Try to install this support in your Parallella and try to test it's correct service. I am searcing for a perfect OpenCl miner to install on your board. The more profitable currency for the CPUs and SOCs is Electroneum. It has a good distribution in the market and low competitors. So we could make a cluster with Parallella!
Morti cristi ... spenti lumi.
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Re: Hi mining coders! Choose ME!

Postby zmc » Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:36 pm

If you have a link to the existing OpenCL sources, I would be willing to give it a try. I've never done OpenCL programming specifically before, but I've worked with other parallel systems.

Do you have a way to measure the power consumption of your current mining setup so we can do a comparison?
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Re: Hi mining coders! Choose ME!

Postby cyberneticart » Wed Feb 28, 2018 5:11 pm

Hi. thanks a lot!! Give me a day and I will report you everything I know. Thanks.
Morti cristi ... spenti lumi.
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Re: Hi mining coders! Choose ME!

Postby cyberneticart » Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:47 pm

HI FRIEND. Ok I made a little analisys. To mine Bitcoin is unprofitable, but this miner should be something to study on. It could be beautifull be the first that is mining bitcoin with the Epiphany RISC. This will open the doors for the mining job. Ok. The first record below is the first link as an experiment and a case of study. This is made in phyton so it should be not difficult to test. This miner is fully script, opencl and phyton. The pages tells that the scripts are OpenCL for AMD. I think that it is not true. The codes are for OpenCl processors, not only AMD! We must understand that this OpenCl code could be applied to Epiphany processors. The second link is the most important! Every Cryptonight currencyes are ASICS and GPU resistant (GPU not completely). They made this algo to spare miners over the globe. So, this miner is very good! And in this case is fully OpenCL. Please could you make tests? I am starting this week to make the study on a NanoPi Fire3 that has an OpenCl GPU. Many thanks and I hope that your Epiphany will fly! Ciao!

1) https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/OpenCL_miner
2) https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-amd
Morti cristi ... spenti lumi.
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Re: Hi mining coders! Choose ME!

Postby minerkid » Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:48 pm

Any update on this,, i would like to mine the cryptonote in this too... https://minergate.com/altminers/claymore-cpu <--- you can find all of the miner here from gpu to cpu..... update us please
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Re: Hi mining coders! Choose ME!

Postby cyberneticart » Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:08 pm

I mined there for months. Minergate at all is not profitable. For the parallella there are not enough programmers. Only the person that program it by himself can take advantage from it. Only an OpenCL miner can go! But a opencl layer is needed for mining. Nothing to do.
Morti cristi ... spenti lumi.
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